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Welcome to The Gospel Music Times: Gospel Music News and Feature ArTel: 615.752.2243 | Mail:
What About John 1:1? - Prologue to the Gospel of JohnThe Bible - The World s Most Useful Book
The Heresy Of Having To Pray To Be SavedAnyone who teaches that you must pray to be saved is perverting the Gospel. The Gospel of John 85 times tells us simply to believe.
Abortion - Pro Life - Praise for Priests for LifeUplifting Comments of praise from the Priests for Life Mailbox
Gospel music - WikipediaMoreover, the genre arose during a time when literacy was not a guarantee, utilizing a great deal of repetition (which, unlike more traditional hymns, allowed those who could not read the opportunity to participate). cit
Gloryland Gospel - Taking Gospel Quartet Music To The Next Level!Welcome to the home page of Gloryland Gospel. Gloryland Gospel is dedicated to preserving the tradition of quartet gospel. The site features a Top 20 Gospel Quartet chart, Gospel Quartet News page, Message Board, and mu
The Lausanne Covenant - Lausanne MovementThe Lausanne Covenant is widely regarded as one of the most significant documents in modern church history. Emerging from the First Lausanne Congress in 1974, with John Stott as its Chief Architect, it served as a great
Peter Preaches The Simple GospelIn the wonderful conversion story of Cornelius, we read that Peter never told him to do anything. Peter simply preached the Gospel and Cornelius believed the Good News and was saved!
The Gospel Coalition India | The Gospel For All of LifeThe Gospel Coalition India is a Christian website to serve the church in India and see it renewed in the gospel to impact a billion lives.
Salvation, Forgiveness of Sin|Death & Gospel of Jesus Christ|the BibleFree Bible studies of salvation/forgiveness by the sacrifice & crucifixion of Jesus Christ: gospel, faith, obedience, & baptism David E. Pratte #BibleStudy
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